What is MOXI?
Time to up your skin care routine… MOXI is the easy way to “Pre-juvenate™” your skin. Revitalise and refresh your skin’s appearance by correcting uneven pigmentation and improving tone and texture.
MOXI comfortably delivers non-ablative laser energy to revitalise your skin by correcting the initial signs of sun damage and aging, no matter the season or your skin type.
It’s job is to lighten, brighten, and refresh!
MOXI delivers fractionated micro thermal zones of non-ablative laser energy to improve the appearance of superficial pigment, pores, irregularities, texture, and wrinkles.
What are the pros of a MOXI treatment?
- It can be had all year-round and by all skin types
- An excellent treatment for skin maintenance after a course of treatments
- Creates a fresh and bright, more youthful skin
- Great to get your skin glowing for big life events – weddings, anniversaries, promotions, birthdays, professional photos, holidays and more!
- Comfortable treatments, may require topical numbing cream
- Simple post care
- 24 hours post treatment makeup can be applied
- Fast and easy; minimal downtime