HIFU Body Treatment

HIFU body sculpting for fat reduction and skin laxity.

HIFU utilises focused ultrasound waves to reduce, sculpt and tighten the body. This non-surgical fat reduction treatment focuses energy at specific depths into the fat layer, to disrupt stubborn fat cells without damaging non-targeted areas.

What is HIFU Body Treatment?

HIFU utilises focused ultrasound waves to reduce, sculpt and tighten the body. This non-surgical fat reduction treatment focuses energy at specific depths into the fat layer, to disrupt stubborn fat cells without damaging non-targeted areas. The treated cells are then flushed away via the body’s natural detoxification processes. Focus Dual is the perfect treatment to target multiple concerns from head to toe with virtually no downtime. Focus Dual HIFU body treatments can be the ideal complement to a healthy lifestyle.

Focus Dual is a revolutionary fat reduction and skin-lifting treatment that uses high intensity focused ultrasound to create effective body sculpting results. This advanced technology is able to not only reduce fat but also tighten lax skin. Focus Dual stimulates the growth of new collagen over time to gradually strengthen, lift, tighten, and firm your skin from deep within.

HIFU treatment is a clinically and scientifically proven non-invasive way to tighten and shape your silhouette without surgery.

How does HIFU work?

HIFU creates a focal point of energy exposing adipocytes (fat cells) at 13mm to temperatures of 60-65ºC.  Exposing the fat cell to these high temperatures for just one second causes rapid cell death. The fat cells are unable to reproduce themselves and are naturally passed out through the body.

What is HIFU best used for?

Targeted fat removal, stubborn pockets of fat, cellulite, body sculpting and body contouring.

Is HIFU safe to use?

Absolutely. Ultrasound waves are considered as the safest medical technology. HIFU is focused ultrasound waves which have a heating effect in the deeper layers of the skin.

Is the HIFU treatment painful?

Not all at. You will only feel warmth under your skin but not on the surface.

Is there any downtime after HIFU treatment?

No. you can continue with your daily routine immediately after HIFU treatment.

How many treatment sessions do I need?

This will depend on factors such as diet and lifestyle but typically, 3-6 sessions may be required.

When can I start to see the results?

You may see some difference within 3-4 weeks but results will continue to improve for up to 3 months post-treatment.